Jason is crazy. He start a quest for the most fabulous treasure, the mythical Golden Fleece. He is accompanied by a handful of adventurers who will depart from his white Greek city to the mysterious Black sea. The trip will be long and dangerous. Everyone knows they won't get it...
︎2016 – Jasón y los argonautas. First published by Milrazones (Spain) (2016). Written & illustrated by Paloma Corral & Kike Ibáñez
Spanish ISBN 9788494585715 / 22 x 31cm / 40 color pages
Also published by:
Samokat publishing house. Russian language. 9788494585715 2023
WORLD RIGHTS holded by the authors Kike Ibáñez & Paloma Corral
︎ 2018 – Selected on Little Hakka Internacional Picture Book Award
︎ 2018 – Selected on Ilustrarte, the Bienal Internacional de Ilustraçao para a Infância
︎ 2017 – Selected on the 8º IberoAmerican Catalog of Illustration